Saturday, November 24, 2007

Review 4

Name: Constanza Quinteros
Title:The history of the future.
Author:Mark Lewis.

The future is something we all long to know. There are people who even pay to know what the future is going to be about. But who would have imagined that in ancient times the concept of future as such did not exist.
Babilonians thought that future was ciclical so they thought useless to conjure visions that would be destroyed when the cycle ends.
But then the idea of time changed from cyclical to linear.This idea was taken from christians. For them time bagan with the Creation and is due to end on Judment day. Christians prognosticators held the idea that the future would be better. first the improvements they forecast were related to moral progress but then they were extended to technological and scientific ones.
As time went by the key figure that introduced the concept if geologic time was Charles Lyell and with him people had to contend with the idea that the earth was billions of years old and with billions of years still to come. Then Darwin with his theory gave a little glimpse of the future still to come, he was folowed by imaginative seers such as Verne who started creating visions of a fantastic future.
Throghout the time the idea of future fluctuated, from the pesimistics ones to the optimistics. But the future in fact is changing all the time. Nobody knows what it will bring with it. No matter how much we want to pay to know about it, we just can wait to see it..

Lived: 1503 to 1566Native of: France Michel de Notredame ("Nostradamus" is the Latinized version of his name) was a Renaissance apothecary who made a profitable sideline of prophecy. Modern-day enthusiasts insist he predicted the French Revolution and the nuking of Hiroshima, among many other events. His book Les Propheties, first published in 1555, is still in print. ( picture above)

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