Saturday, November 24, 2007

Review 2

Name: Constanza Quintero

Title:Shock anorexia billboard annoys fashion designers


Potograph link:

Author: Jess Cartner

Milan fahion week is one of the most important events in the world of fashion. The most prestigious designers prestigious designers present their creations and top models appear to themselves and their bodies. On the catwalk the female stereotype, skinny women, with pale faces, looking almost as if they were dead, walk along showing themselves to the world.

Every year these sterotypes are under the spotlight. But this time what is causin furore is a diturbing billboard that shows a naked anorexic woman, the billboard bears the legend "No anorexia".The billboard is part of a campaign of " Nolita" a womeswear brand.

The owners of "Nolita" said that this campaign is aimed to raise awareness of an illness caused in many of the cases by the stereotypes imposed by the world of fashion.

However representatives of the fashion industry that anorexia is a psyciatric problem with nothing to do with fashion.

The world of fashion is not the only one to be blamed for this desease. There are several factors that can contribute to make a healthy person suffer from this desease but the fact that skinny models are presented as "the female stereotype" is not helpful in a world where image consumption is so important.

I think that to release this campaign in the place and time they did is one important step towards make people aware of the terrible consecuences.

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