Monday, November 5, 2007

Energy Drinks + Alcohol = Danger!

Name: Aldana Vercellone
Article: Drinkers who mix Red Bull with alcohol ‘twice as likely to suffer harm’

Source: Times Online

Date: November 5, 2007

A recent study shows that drinking Energy Drinks with alcohol doubles the risks of getting injured or harming someone else than those who only drink alcohol.
The study suggests that products such as Red Bull, which contain Caffeine and Taurine, allow drinkers to consume more alcohol without noticing they are getting drunk. As there is no acknowledgment of the drunkenness a person is undergoing, the danger of suffering a car crash or being sexually abused increases.
Appart from that, the effects in the drinker's body can be as harmful as deadly. In fact, this year a young woman died in a nightclub in Dublin after drinking several cocktails of Red Bull with Vodka. That is why, the beverage has been banned in France and Denmark while the The National Swedish Food Administration has warned people to avoid drinking the energy drink.

What does the energy drink mixed with alcohol cause in a person's body?
Caffeine is a stimulant and alcohol is a deppresant. The stimulant effects can mask how intoxicated you are and prevent you from realizing how much alcohol you have consumed. Also, the caffeine in energy drinks is dehydrating which slows down the metabolism of alcohol in the body.
As a result, the symptoms of drunkenness are reduced, but not the drunkennes putting drinkers' lives in danger.
In my opinion, Energy Drinks makers should take actions in what regards harmful effects of the beverage they are producing. And I think that drinkers should take responsability of their own acts as well: If you read carefully in the cans you would be able to see a warning sign saying "Do not drink more than 4 cans" that is why I can not understand why a person consumes more than the advised amount. It may be because they are drunk, but I consider that nobody obliges them to drink what they drink to enters into a state of drunkennes.
I would advise them "Be responsible of your acts, and do not blame others for the harm you are causing to yourself."

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