Thursday, November 15, 2007

Review 3: Real Or Imagined Discrimination?

Some of the black and Asian workers across the BBC, from journalists to support staff, are fearful that in an inminent mass sacking, they would be the first ones to be cast out. In a still hideously white BBC, the management had better not throw out their few streaks of colour. Morale at the corporation is in tatters from top to bottom regardless of race an ethnicity. There is still no genuine and uncontested equivalence between white Britons and those who are unfourtunate enough not to be. However, old forms of overt racism are said to have been vanished from the landsacape. The main political parties, for example have tacitly agreed a red line on racist statements by influential insiders and several chosen black and Asian citizens now get to powerful positions. Besides this, race, religion and ethnicity compound the existing vulnerability, sometimes becasue of real discrimination sometimes because discrimination is imagined or assumed.
New internal fissures and violent hatreds within black and Asians hearts and minds sometimes make white racism appear tame and polite. There is no genuine parity between whites and non-whites. This is why furies arise against the nobel prize winner James Watson and why people campign against the next punitive Bush war on mostly innocent Muslims this time in Iran. Let's remember that Watson claimed black peolpe have inherently low intelligence an by doing so, he authorized inequality in perpetuity between whites and blacks. Another example of discrimination that deserves to be mention is what occurs in In that web site you can appreciate how young black children are asked to choose between white and balck dolls. 80 percent choose the white because they think black is "bad". In what regards the situation related with the BBC, one of the black workers from the corporation said: "Maybe we could never be as good as whites. They let us in as a favour, but they are very ahead...". A similar type of racisms occurs in the National Black Police Association, which president asserts that more young black men need to be stopped and searched in the fight against gun crime.
All these examples mentioned, show situations in which the racist component cannot be hiden. The problem is that in some of those cases, the discrimination does not come from part of the opposite side but from within the same group of peolpe who tends to be discriminated. In other words, they show how sometimes, black people auto-dicrimate themselves. Besides this , the only relevant and undeniable conclusion that arises, is that when there is no equivalence between the races, anything goes in both sides.

Gabriela Garcia Fernandez.

Article's Title: If blacks are fearful for their job, they are right to be.
Author: Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Date of Publication: 22 october 2007

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