Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What nature gives us back

Date: March 25th
Article: Mediterranean drowning in a hidden sea of plastic rubbish.
Link: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/europe/mediterranean-drowning-in-a-hidden-sea-
Date of publication: 18 July 2007
By Elizabeth Nash
Related links: www.independent.co.uk/environment/the-worlds-rubbish-dump-a-garbage-tip-

What nature gives us back.

Since the first industrial revolution in 1750 up to now, industries and people in general have been polluting nature in many ways. Not only did we contaminate the soil but also the air as well as water.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Greenhouse Gases Rising Faster Than UN Forecasts: Report

Review of: Greenhouse Gases Rising Faster Than UN Forecasts: Report

Date of Publication:

Student: Raquel Soria


The warming deniers are right! The models are in error. They are predicting LESS CO2 and effects than are actually happening. Therefore the global warming theorists are wrong, and global warming isn’t happening! Take that evil Dr. Hansen trying to conquer the world with the evil liberal concept known as scientific method.

Remember the deniers saying that hot year 1998 was caused by the solar cycle, and in 5-6 years when at the minimum again global warming would be a joke? Guess what? We are at the minimum, and we are still setting temp records everywhere. As 2+2 still = 4, add 15 ppm more CO2 between now and the next solar maximum around 2010, and its going to be really effing hot. If that doesn’t get our attention as a global civilization, nothing will.

It probably won’t change our behavior, and things are going to be really bad.

History Shows Climate Changes Led to Famine and War

Review of:History Shows Climate Changes Led to Famine and War
Date of Publication:

Student: Raquel Soria

As all who have researched the ramifications of global warming know, its calamitous effects are self perpetuating as the ice melts thus absorbing more heat, as the tundras melt thus releasing more CO2, and the list goes on. The loss of near shore areas to the sea, spread of tropical diseases to the temperate latitudes, are only the tip the iceberg. Although temperature variations have occurred in the past, they never approached this accelerated rate,

Often overlooked is the fact that the same measures needed to mitigate global warming would be necessary even if it were not an issue. Conservation, alternative energy development, anti- pollution refinements, etc are essential for other vital environmental reforms such as air and water quality, reductions in toxic waste generation, land preservation, etc.

The dangerous manipulation of essential scientific data used by this administration to conceal and derail corrective measures for this threat and other vital environmental reforms has alway been apparent. Contrary to their assertions, measures to reduce greenhouse gases could only improve our economy by lessening our trade deficits, and improving our security by reducing our dependance on foreign oil. We could also regain some of our lost world respect that has resulted from our opposition Kyoto while arrogantly contributing disproportionally to carbon pollution.

The environmental and social damage from our indifference to carbon pollution and related environmental measures can only worsen if we allow these destructive environmental policies of this reckless and unlearned president to continue.

Review of: Climate Change’ or ‘Global Warming’?
Date of Publication:

Student: Raquel Soria
Link: http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/12/09/

The US rejections of Kyoto, then the Bali Conference, & now rephrasing the term, underscore the dangerous control that special interests exercise over this administration’s policies. Their distortions of scientific data typifies their unconscionable war on science. Evidence linking carbon pollution to warming has long been as close to certain as science can be. Its causes, consequences, and mitigation requirements have been documented by many dedicated environmental organizations including The Union of Concerned Scientists.

Special interests argue that the current warming trends follow historic warming cycles, and hence reflect natural weather patterns–but they omit obvious differences: The earlier warming trends developed at slower rates which permitted the ecosystems to adapt. Morever they resulted from temporary natural events, which allowed transitions back to normal temperature patterns–by contrast, the current warming patterns result from artificial causes that will only intensify unless mitigated.

By all indicators, global warming will self perpetuate as the melting ice sheets absorb rather than reflect heat, as the melting permafrost releases more CO2 & methane, and the list goes on. Inundation of low lying areas, spread of tropical diseases to temperate latitudes, sea life destruction from changing ocean chemistry, & currents, are only some potential consequences.

Often overlooked is the fact that, the same measures needed to mitigate global warming would be necessary even if it were no issue. Conservation, alternative energy development, anti- pollution refinements, etc are essential for other vital environmental reforms such as air and water quality, reductions in toxic waste generation, land preservation, etc.

Contrary to right wing assertions, measures to reduce greenhouse gases could only improve our economy by lessening our trade deficits, and improving our security by reducing our dependance on foreign oil. We could also regain some of our lost world respect that has resulted from our rejection of Kyoto while arrogantly contributing disproportionally to carbon pollution. With our participation in international efforts, China & India could no longer use our non-compliance as an excuse for their non-participation.

The environmental and social damage from our indifference to carbon pollution can only worsen if we allow this administration, guided special interests, to continue their war against our planet.

Slave Labour That Shames AmericaAuthor: John Vidal

Review of: Slave Labour That Shames AmericaAuthor: John Vidal
Date of Publication:
Student: Raquel Soria

The idea of “whole foods” is now under exploitation as are the migrant workers, by that profit corporation and its shareholders. It reflects the general concensus: Capitalism is a near-complete disaster.

People, ideas, institutions, land, legacies, works of art, emotions including love and fear, good will, intelligence, thirst, scientific discoveries, languages, religions, birth, growth, sickness, injury, death, disasters, the quest for knowledge and discovery, instinct including procreation and domination, other primitive needs including sleep and food, are all viciously exploited for profit by western-style capitalism.

The answer starts with land and water rights for all. A system in which each citizen holds title to a chunk of land suitable for food security. The program requires the citizen to demonstrate the capability of growing one’s own food on that plot of land, but isn’t required to grow food year after year. It may be rented out, and traded for other plots of land. Buying/selling plots is permitted but sellers retain the right to take back the plot without payment. Of course this strongly deters acquisition. It’s simply a matter of changing the laws.

The way to change the laws is for individuals to shift their exchange/association away from the power centers and toward their local economies. This breaks up the power concentrations and enables the people to exert their will upon the legislatures.

Individuals will seize upon their civic power and responsibility after the brainwashing ends. Parents and teachers have to convey productive messages to the kids to displace the brainwashing. TV, radio, newspaper, magazine and books have to be smashed to instill the proper fear into the content authors to stop the brainwashing.

Slave labor and all the rest go away in the process. You can’t have your cake and social justice too.